The Complete List Of 2020 Social Media Hashtag Holidays
With this list of 2020 social media hashtag holidays, brands never need to run out of content ideas and inspiration for their social media channels! There is a day for almost anything and everything you can possibly think of so scroll through the list and make note of the ones relevant to your business.
And if you’re a restaurant, be sure to check out our comprehensive list of annual food holidays we’ve made specifically for you. We’ve also got a unique list of beauty holidays for beauty brands that people in that space will find helpful in addition to this list. Now let’s get onto this year’s hashtag holidays!
2020 Social Media Hashtag Holidays
January 1: New Year's Day (#NewYearsDay)
January 4: National Trivia Day (#NationalTriviaDay)
January 5: Golden Globe Awards (#GoldenGlobes)
January 15: National Hat Day (#NationalHatDay)
January 16: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q1 (#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay)
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (#MLKDay)
January 20: Blue Monday (#BlueMonday)
January 23: National Pie Day (#NationalPieDay)
January 24: National Compliment Day (#NationalComplimentDay)
January 25: Chinese New Year (#YearOfTheRat)
January 26: Grammy Awards (#GRAMMYs)
January 27: Community Manager Appreciation Day (#CMAD)
January 28: Data Privacy Day (#PrivacyAware)
February 1-29: Black History Month (#BlackHistoryMonth + #BlackHistoryMonth2020)
February 2: Super Bowl (#SBLIV + #SB54)
February 2: Groundhog Day (#GroundhogDay)
February 4: World Cancer Day (#WorldCancerDay)
February 6-13: New York Fashion Week (#NYFW + #NWFW2020)
February 9: Academy Awards (#Oscars + #Oscars2020)
February 9: National Pizza Day (#NationalPizzaDay)
February 11: Safer Internet Day (#SID2020)
February 14: Valentine's Day (#ValentinesDay)
February 17: Random Acts Of Kindness Day (#KindnessDay)
February 18: National Drink Wine Day (#NationalDrinkWineDay)
February 20: Love Your Pet Day (#LoveYourPetDay)
February 25: Mardi Gras (#MardiGras)
March 1-31: Women’s History Month (#WomensHistory + #WomensHistoryMonth)
March 6: Employee Appreciation Day (#EmployeeAppreciationDay)
March 13: Friday The 13th (#FridayThe13th)
March 14: Pi Day (#PiDay)
March 15: World Consumer Rights Day (#WCRD2020)
March 17: St. Patrick's Day (#StPatricksDay)
March 19: Spring Begins (#FirstDayOfSpring)
March 21: World Poetry Day (#WorldPoetryDay)
March 23: National Puppy Day (#NationalPuppyDay)
March 31: International Transgender Day Of Visibility (#TransDayOfVisibility)
April 1: April Fools' Day (#AprilFools)
April 1: National Walking Day (#NationalWalkingDay)
April 7: World Health Day (#WorldHealthDay)
April 7: National Beer Day (#NationalBeerDay)
April 10: National Siblings Day (#NationalSiblingsDay)
April 11: National Pet Day (#NationalPetDay)
April 12: Easter (#HappyEaster)
April 15: Tax Day (#TaxDay)
April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day (#PJDay)
April 16: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q2 (#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay)
April 22: Earth Day (#EarthDay2020)
April 23: World Book Day (#WorldBookDay)
April 23: Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day (#TODASTW)
April 28: Pay It Forward Day (#StandForKindness)
April 29: Denim Day (#DenimDay)
May 1: May Day (#MayDay)
May 2: Kentucky Derby (#KYDerby)
May 4: Star Wars Day (#MayThe4thBeWithYou)
May 5: Teachers' Day (#ThankATeacher)
May 5: Cinco de Mayo (#CincoDeMayo)
May 6: National Nurses Day (#NursesDay)
May 10: Mother's Day (#MothersDay)
May 13: World Sleep Day (#WorldSleepDay)
May 15: International Day of Families (#FamilyDay)
May 15: National Bike To Work Day (#BikeToWorkDay + #BTWD)
May 24: Indianapolis 500 (#Indy500)
May 25: Memorial Day (#MemorialDay + #MDW)
June 1-30: Pride Month (#Pride + #HappyPride)
June 1: National Say Something Nice Day (#SaySomethingNice)
June 2: Leave The Office Early Day (#LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay)
June 5: National Donut Day (#DonutDay)
June 8: Best Friends Day (#BestFriendsDay)
June 14: Flag Day (#FlagDay)
June 19: Juneteenth (#Juneteenth)
June 20: First Day of Summer (#SummerSolstice)
June 21: Father's Day (#FathersDay)
June 21: National Selfie Day (#SelfieDay)
June 30: Social Media Day (#SMDay)
July 1: International Joke Day (#TellAJoke)
July 4: Independence Day (#4thofJuly)
July 7: World Chocolate Day (#WorldChocolateDay)
July 13: Amazon Prime Day (#PrimeDay)
July 15: Give Something Away Day (#GiveSomethingAwayDay)
July 16: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q3 (#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay)
July 17: World Emoji Day (#WorldEmojiDay)
July 18: Nelson Mandela International Day (#MandelaDay)
July 19: National Ice Cream Day (#NationalIceCreamDay)
July 26: Parents’ Day (#ParentsDay)
July 31: National Mutt Day (#NationalMuttDay)
August 8: International Cat Day (#InternationalCatDay)
August 9: National Book Lovers Day (#NationalBookLoversDay)
August 10: National Lazy Day (#NationalLazyDay + LazyDay)
August 15: National Relaxation Day (#NationalRelaxationDay)
August 16: National Tell A Joke Day (#NationalTellAJokeDay)
August 19: World Photography Day (#WorldPhotographyDay + #WorldPhotoDay)
August 26: Women’s Equality Day (#WomensEqualityDay)
August 26: National Dog Day (#NationalDogDay + #DogDay)
September 6: Read A Book Day (#ReadABookDay)
September 7: Labor Day (#LaborDay)
September 12: National Video Games Day (#VideoGamesDay)
September 13: Grandparents Day (#GrandparentsDay)
September 19: International Talk Like A Pirate Day (#TalkLikeAPirateDay)
September 21: International Day Of Peace (#PeaceDay)
September 22: Fall Begins (#FirstDayOfFall)
September 29: National Coffee Day (#NationalCoffeeDay)
September 30: International Podcast Day (#InternationalPodcastDay)
October 2: World Smile Day (#WorldSmileDay)
October 4: National Taco Day (#NationalTacoDay)
October 10: World Mental Health Day (#WorldMentalHealthDay)
October 11: National Coming Out Day (#NationalComingOutDay)
October 11: International Day Of The Girl (#DayOfTheGirl)
October 14: National Dessert Day (#DessertDay)
October 15: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q4 (#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay)
October 16: National Boss’s Day (#BossDay)
October 16: World Food Day (#WorldFoodDay)
October 29: National Cat Day (#NationalCatDay)
October 31: Halloween (#Halloween)
November 1: National Author’s Day (#NationalAuthorsDay)
November 3: Election Day (#ElectionDay, #Election2020 + #iVoted)
November 11: Veterans Day (#VeteransDay)
November 13: World Kindness Day (#WorldKindnessDay)
November 13: Friday The 13th (#FridayThe13th)
November 19: National Entrepreneurs Day (#EntrepreneursDay)
November 26: Thanksgiving (#Thanksgiving)
November 27: Black Friday (#BlackFriday)
November 28: Small Business Saturday (#ShopSmall)
November 30: Cyber Monday (#CyberMonday)
December 1: Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday)
December 1: World AIDS Day (#WorldAIDSDay)
December 4: National Cookie Day (#NationalCookieDay)
December 10: Human Rights Day (#HumanRightsDay)
December 19: Super Saturday (#SuperSaturday)
December 21: First Day of Winter (#WinterSolstice)
December 23: Festivus (#Festivus)
December 24: Christmas Eve (#ChristmasEve)
December 25: Christmas (#ChristmasDay + #MerryChristmas)
December 31: New Year’s Eve (#NYE)
Happy hashtagging, everyone! We hope you all have an amazing 2020.
1. Firebelly’s Top Takeaways From Social Media Marketing World 2020
2. The Complete List Of Beauty Holidays For Beauty Brands
3. The Complete List Of Annual Food Holidays For Restaurants