Meet Firebelly: The Grace Dandan Interview

As Firebelly Marketing continues to grow, from dull embers to a towering inferno, we’re introducing you to the people that spark our ideas.

We are always adding the best and the very brightest, expanding our agency in order to provide unique creative strategies for our clients. Since social media is social in nature, we want to communicate on what exactly makes our people here at Firebelly tick and we’re continuing the series with Grace Dandan!


Meet Grace. Grace is our data analyst! She is a self-proclaimed “data nerd” with a degree in math who loves roaming around to see trees and nature.

How Do You Start Your Day?

I start my days with prayer and devotions.

What Is Your Daily Media Diet?

My daily media diet includes a mix of news websites, social media updates, and trending topics.

How Do You Get Past Creative Blocks?

A brisk walk or a change of scenery works wonders, giving my mind a fun reset and sparking fresh ideas.

What's The Most Interesting Social Media News Story You’ve Seen Lately?

The most interesting social media news I’ve seen lately is the controversial issue of the woman who suffers from hyperandrogenism who won her opening Olympics boxing. It has sparked widespread debate on inclusivity, fairness in competition, and gender identity in sports.

What Pet Peeves Do You Have?

Slow internet connection, it drives me nuts!

What’s One Piece Of Advice You’d Give To Anyone?

Never stop learning!

What’s The Strangest Talent You have?

I have to discover it yet! Hahaha.

What’s One Thing You Would Change About Social Media?

One thing I would change about social media is the spread of false information. It's too easy for misinformation to go viral, while accurate info often struggles to get the same attention.