How Real Can BeReal Be?


Images from BeReal.


Social media marketers are always aiming for authenticity between brands and users. 

Developing a connection is vital in the 21st century. According to a recent survey published by Statista, nearly 50% of users in our country said they found online ads annoying. Another survey by Stackla found a whopping 90% of consumers say authenticity is important in deciding what brands they like and support. For most social advertising, authenticity is the equivalent of establishing a clear brand identity, and staying true. Similar to a compass, a firm’s established values and ideals must stay the path. 

Images from BeReal.

The app BeReal aims to answer the questions of authenticity and truth in a brand. The website tagline reads the following: 

“Your Friends for real. A new and unique way to discover who your friends really are in their daily life.” 

With 3,700 new apps added each day, BeReal has consistently topped the charts, prompting social marketers to find ways to leverage the app for their brand’s campaigns. 

So, what is it? 

Images from BeReal.

Throughout the day, users are prompted at different times to snap a photo of themselves and their surroundings. Both the front and back cameras are activated. 

It’s a no frills approach: no filters, no face-altering software, no chicanery of any kind. 

Whatever you are doing at the time will get posted. Push notifications are sent around the world simultaneously at different times in the day. The time is secret and randomized. 

Despite no like functionality, authenticity continues to be the driving force, appealing greatly to Generation Z. Starting this year, BeReal embarked on a paid ambassador campaign to increase college exposure on campuses. The effort was spearheaded by a $30 million capital funding investment. Clearly it was money well spent; as of this writing, the app has grown in monthly active users by 315% month-over-month since January. To date, over 22 million users have bought into the concept.

BeReal’s setup doesn’t permit advertising, influencers, or brand accounts. 

So, why exactly should social marketers care? And how the heck are brands supposed to build presence on an app that explicitly bans the practice in their terms and conditions? 

Use authenticity to your advantage, and get savvy with it. 

— First, we interrupt this blog for a random case study:  —

Case Study: Chipotle

The fast-casual chain was the first to utilize the app’s lo-fi nature, posting a bag that simply had a coupon code. The first 100 people were given a free meal. The front picture showed an individual holding a fork. After the vice-president for digital marketing released the following statement: “We see a massive opportunity to highlight our brand’s transparency in fun ways for our fans on BeReal.” Chipotle isn’t the only brand using the platform; Trident, PacSun, and Love Island have all hopped onto the trend.


Image from Chipotle.


— Okay, back to our normal scheduled broadcast: —

Of course, creating content native to the platform is reliant on how the brand looks and feels. If the product relies on gaudy presentation, flashy images, and designer features — BeReal is probably not the right app for you. However, for a more guerrilla approach, the trending app has plenty of potential. Here’s some key takeaway on how to use BeReal’s rise to your social marketing advantage: 


Behind-the-scenes shots can easily be incorporated into BeReal. Whether at events or around the everyday office life, connection and camaraderie may be built with brand loyalists. In fact, 82% of Gen Z’ers trust a brand more if they see real customers in their ads. 


Sure, influencers aren’t allowed. Doesn’t mean UGC isn’t. Unfiltered and unedited content produced directly from the consumers permits collaboration and conversation. Beyond the in-house social marketing team, leveraging UGC is an easy way to prove to your audience that your client is listening. 


Isn’t this a huge part of the business? Thinking outside the box? As mentioned earlier, formal advertising isn’t permitted at this stage in the app. But, as Chipotle showed, there’s a way around that. Brands can start showing themselves sans filters. Or incorporate innovative thinking, as Sour Patch Kids recently did in a collab with Trident Gum. One shot shows the inside of the packaging, the other a Sour Patch Kid candy. Put your most innovative minds on this and see what you can come up with. 


BeReal could just be a flash in the pan. However, other apps have taken notice. Snapchat is launching a “new dual” camera option, copy and pasted from BeReal. Meta is currently testing new Instagram features with BeReal inspiration. Twitter has a BeReal trend, where people edit and upload their images to mimic the platform. TikTok even reposts compilations of BeReal posts, with the hashtag #BeReal prompting 1.1 billion views as of this writing. 

The push toward “real life” content is a good starting point when appealing to millennials and Gen Z. 

In a world overwhelmed by filters and ads, you might need someone that can manage all the working of social media strategy. We won’t send you a BeReal (we’re self conscious about the selfie feature), but we can shape your digital marketing. As BeReal does, send us secret and randomized notifications at any time. We will for sure send you back something in two hours.