4 Reasons Why Your Brand Should Be On Pinterest In 2021


Remember when Pinterest hit the internet? It was January 2010, and it was a place of never-ending inspiration. A place to create your most perfect house, wedding, dinner, and vacation, thanks to virtual mood boards. I discovered my love of succulents, designed my dream wet bar for my house, and searched endlessly for quick and delicious recipes. 

As of January 2021, Pinterest ranks as the 14th largest platform globally in terms of global active users. The platform ranks below social networks like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, ahead of Twitter (source). Pinterest is and has been relevant to brands both big and small.


We’re breaking down the top 4 reasons brands need to get on Pinterest. 

1. Pinterest is a search engine

The first and most important thing to know is that Pinterest is not a social media platform. Similar to how people use Google, Pinterest is a search engine, but visuals drive it. Pinterest is a great place to reach new audiences using a genius combination of keywords and beautiful, eye-catching images and videos. 

97% of searches on Pinterest are non-branded. Why is this important? Your brand can show up in a Pinner’s feed when they’re most open-minded and discover your brand. 

Pinterest search bar

2. Users are intentional

People come to Pinterest to plan what could happen vs. scrolling through a feed to see what has already happened. Why is this important? People on Pinterest are ready to take action. Users go to Pinterest when they are actively searching for a solution to a problem or planning occasions, both big and small. Think planning a wedding and planning dinner for the week. 

When you utilize Pinterest for your business, you can be intentional with your marketing instead of being interruptive. Do Instagram users find inspiration on Instagram? Sure. The difference between the two platforms is that users on Instagram are used to endlessly scrolling instead of users on Pinterest who are actively searching for something specific.  

3. Pins have staying power  

Content on Pinterest takes longer to activate but is Evergreen. The average life cycle of a pin is about 130 days, but the higher the quality, the more it will be circulated. It’s possible to have a pin generate traffic for years. 

Every piece of content (aside from their new idea pins) is actionable. Pins have a direct link to your website and or products. Even when you advertise on Pinterest, once the campaign ends, those pins live on as organic pins and can continue to circulate. 

Pinterest on a laptop

4. Shoppable pins

Pinners are looking to spend money! Pinterest reports that Pinterest has ~5x the percentage of users vs. other platforms which come with shopping intent.” 

If you have a consumer product, you need to connect your product catalog ASAP. If you have Shopify, it’s even easier because they have partnered with Pinterest to create a straightforward app integration between the two. Why is this awesome? When pinners are searching, your products can come up in the feed based on searches. Creating a product catalog is also FREE. We have a current client with an organic-only approach on Pinterest right now, and their product pins generated over $20K in revenue. Bottom line, if you sell a product online and don’t have this setup, you are leaving money on the table! 

Where to begin

You may be thinking, “I have no time to take on another platform.” We hear you. Every platform takes time to understand and perfect your strategy. Start small. If you sell products online, start by connecting your product feed to your Pinterest account. Are you a service-based business with a blog? Think about the blog posts that do well on Google Search and make new pins every month for those. Are you a recipe creator or food brand? Create pins regularly for seasonal content, and the sooner, the better! If you can solve someone’s query, you can get discovered on Pinterest!

1. The 5 Parts Of A Successful Pinterest Marketing Plan For Brands
2. Social Media Content Tips That Will Take You To Victory Lane
3. 6 Signs Your Brand Needs A Social Media Management Agency

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